The Flower Farm

We only grow what we love, in harmony with nature.

Our Growing Ethos

We believe in growing flowers as gently and honestly as possible. We refuse to resort to chemicals for anything, at any time. We grow all of our flowers using organic methods. On our farm, we implement a myriad of growing practices from biodynamic farming, permaculture, and natural pest-controls (i.e. supporting healthy bird and predatory insect populations.)

Cut flowers do not have to be luxury, but they are—should be—a great responsibility: mass produced flowers are laden with sprayed chemicals (e.g. preservatives) and shipped hundreds, even thousands of miles to distributors where they are wrapped in plastic, before finding their way to shelves in supermarkets and commercial florists. It does not have to be this way, and we’re proof of that. There is a way to use this industry to make REAL change in our environment.

Growing flowers can provide an invaluable source of pollen and nectar for bees and hummingbirds. They can be the softest of landing pads for butterflies and moths. They can remind us how beautiful nature can be if we only nurtured it. Sustainability is our number one priority. That’s why to minimize waste, any “weeds” or unused bits of plant material is composted, and spent petals are kept to be dried and becomes real confetti, pressed flowers, or edible flower sprinkles.

By choosing us, you’re helping us help the world, by supporting a way of growing (and living) that is symbiotic, harmonious, beautiful and happy!

What We Grow

We take great pride in the wide variety of flowers we grow. Because we have such a diverse piece of land, it allows us to grow flowers and plants that are just not possible in a conventional farm setting. What we don’t have in sprawling, flat fields, we make up with lush shaded nooks, wetland plants, semi-shade gardens, and acres of bountiful and generous forest foliage. In the shade, foxgloves, columbines, lilies, and native ferns thrive. In full sun, our huge collection of dahlias, sunflowers, zinnias, grasses, and gourds soak up as much heat as they can get. And in between, well, that’s where we grow our precious old-fashioned roses, now toppling over 20 different varieties and growing.

If you love edible flowers as much as we do, then you’ll love to know we also grow thousands of edible flowers in all shapes and colors which are available all season long. We are confident that this giant labor of love will translate into noticeably healthier, happier, and more beautiful flowers than offered elsewhere. If we don’t love it, we don’t grow it.


Want to learn more?

About Our Farm

Besides our growing plots, within our modest 11 acres lies a large cattail marsh that houses nesting geese, ducks, and sandhill cranes; forest where we see turkeys, deer and foxes; and a familiar chorus of bird song each May when the same migrating songbirds return. Once an enormous 1800’s orchard, relics of fruit trees are scattered throughout, exploding with blossoms in spring from lingering apple, pear, and crabapple trees. At night we hear foxes call, coyotes howl, and owls hoot.

The open space also contains a frog pond and a wildlife garden teeming with native perennials. Milkweed grows throughout, frequently bedecked with monarch chrysalises in late summer, and bird nestboxes for bluebirds, chickadees, and tree swallows are always at capacity. Our flower yard is literally carved out of these woods, and may not be what you would traditionally think of as a flower farm. No sprawling fields in full sun here. Our flower farm is also our garden, our home, and our escape from the chaotic world around us.